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Financial ratios

Financial ratios

    Operating and other revenueMNOK30 53031 20527 86827 02522 612
    Order backlogMNOK41 99139 76538 64630 61728 200
    Order intakeMNOK32 75632 32435 89729 44229 271
    EBITDAMNOK1 3251 9372 1762 0531 882
    Depreciation and write-downsMNOK-576-528-567-573-547
    Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)MNOK7491 4091 6091 4801 335
    Earnings before tax (EBT)MNOK7001 4001 5801 4471 317
    Earnings after taxMNOK5151 1511 2291 1581 027
    Operating margin%2,54,55,85,55,9
    Profit margin%2,34,55,75,45,8
    Return on equity%16,434,036,136,643,7
    Return on average capital employed (ROaCE)%15,931,636,034,838,2
    Economic Value AddedMNOK144736839788735
    Cash flow from operationsMNOK1 5521 4601 4151 1891 508
    Total assetsMNOK14 64714 45713 10812 86212 854
    Shareholders' EquityMNOK3 2033 4943 5723 4942 999
    Capital employedMNOK4 5404 9004 5714 6214 183
    Average capital employedMNOK5 0324 5614 4914 3133 603
    Equity ratio%21,924,227,327,223,3
    Equity ratio excluding the effect of IFRS 16%23,225,428,729,025,3
    Gross interest-bearing liabilitiesMNOK1 3371 4069991 1271 184
    Net interest-bearing liabilitiesMNOK641329-29-90163
    Share price 31.12NOK124,20143,80193,60175,60176,00
    Number of sharesn108 532 000107 702 000106 804 500105 998 497103 065 277
    Market valueMNOK13 48015 48820 67718 61318 139
    Earnings per shareNOK3,738,969,609,298,51
    Diluted earnings per shareNOK3,738,969,579,278,46
    Dividend per share first half of the yearNOK3,506,506,506,506,00
    Dividend per share second half of the yearNOK--4,004,003,50
    Number of salaraid workersn2 5782 5552 5802 6022 628
    Number of skilled employeesn3 3353 4202 8332 9082 898
    Total number of employeesn5 9135 9755 4135 5105 536
    LTI-1 rate0,81,11,11,81,2
    Absence due to illness%4,14,64,64,63,8
    Carbon footprint1,21,11,31,62,0
    Source separation rate - building%8486888884
    Source separation rate - renovation%8789908790
    Source separation rate - demolition%9695969695
    Total source separation amountTonnes287 588278 172294 776400 995339 221


    Diluted earnings per share
    Net income / total number of shares (including outstanding options)

    LTI-1 rate
    Lost time injury. Number of injuries causing an employee to take time off per million working hours 

    Source separation rate
    The rate of demolition waste that can be recycled

    Carbon footprint
    Emissions of greenhouse gases in tons of CO2 equivalents per NOK million in turnover